Although American Spot Cooling & Power Rental is equipped to serve some of the largest projects possible when it comes to rental cooling, not every job is so big. In fact, some only require a single unit to get the job done. At one ATM kiosk for a large bank, the air conditioning system for the small room had broken down, making use of the ATM quite uncomfortable for the bank’s customers. The bank tasked their heating and cooling contractor with repairing the system, but also needed some form of air conditioning by the next day. The contractor then contacted American Spot Cooling & Power Rental, who was able to provide and install a rental air conditioner within a day of the first call.
Three technicians, including only one ASCAPR employee, installed a single 1-ton air conditioning unit in a matter of hours. Although the job was performed quickly per the customer’s requirements, it was not necessarily simple. The unit had to be installed in a very small space, and the door of the kiosk could not be propped open due to security concerns. This meant that ducting had to be situated somewhere beside the doorway, which in turn required cutting a hole through the side of the kiosk itself.
Although the unit was installed quickly and conveniently for the customer, it is not leaving nearly as soon as it came. In fact, it is likely to be in use for the entirety of the summer, during which a representative will make monthly checks and replacements of the air filter. Regardless of the duration, customers will rest easy knowing they can make important withdrawals in cool comfort.